Friday, January 22, 2010


The end of another week! Walking out of work on a Friday is like walking out of your final exam of the semester. Nothing is more liberating. Knowing that the next two days off can be lived with no thought given to the office is extremely gratifying. The more complex work can get, the more it is nice to get away from. However, at the same time, I find myself thinking about things more and more once I am out of the office.

Either way, I guess it's always a topic of discussion, at least for me and all 6 people that might be interested in private equity outside of the working world. I enjoy learning about it, but when I am at home, especially on a weekend like this, I want to sit and listen to music and watch TV, the Aussie Open is on this week. Go Fed!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Well today was great as it is MLK day and thus no work for me! As good as it is to get the extra holidays, not sure if that makes the job totally worth it. Either way, I know that having a good job is something to be grateful for, and I am becoming more aware of that fact everyday and everytime I hear and talk to people that are currently searching for a job. I know that the economy isn't good, but it is turning around. However, the job market might be a lagging indicator to that and as a result the jobs just aren't returning as quick, nor do I see it likely that all that were lost will come back.

For now, I shall continue to keep grinding at the job, at the same time keep outperforming at the job, and hopefully that will at least build skills that I can take with me to the next level.

Peace fools.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Workday?

Is there such thing as a good workday? To my knowledge and little experience, I don't believe there is, at least for an entry analyst who can never seem to get credit when it is due. I'm not sure about everyone else, and I know that someone has to have been in the same spot as me (first job, hate it, no good mentors).

Anyhow I'm not quite sure how to put it lightly, but I hate my job. My "team leader" is anything but as they never show up on time, never are in a good mood, and never are willing to help with anything. Sorry, but isn't the point of TL to be all of the above, especially willing to help and teach. So far, what I have learned on the job is due to my own efforts and reaching out to teammates who, I feel share my feelings, aren't responsible for teaching. I'm glad I have a few people I can learn from, but at the same time, understand that my career track could ultimately suffer because of the knowledge I haven't been able to acquire quick enough.

Enough with the complaining, I'm way too positive to be brought down by this situation. Thankfully it will only be temporary, hopefully shorter the better. Days that aren't great, can quickly be turned with a great tune on the commute home. Jay Z's "My 1st Song" is always a mood changer, and I recommend it on a Friday afternoon. The lyrics are great and if when I listen to them, I understand I'll have to go through a lot to get to where I want to be, but I just know that there's something else out there that I could be doing that would make me happy too.

Hope to bring some good news about work some point soon, maybe it will be me quitting and finding a new one though!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Premiere

This is my first post to this blog, or any other blog, as this is also my only one. The first session will be short and sweet but please check back for more words. I am intending that this blog be focused on work/career paths, but don't be surprised if it often times includes random things I find humorous or interesting to me.

Mainly, I am looking for anyone interesting in following to read, react, and respond to my current struggles in my career, which will hopefully lead to successes that are everything I ever dreamed of, and I hope this happens quickly. Is this a greedy request? Yes most likely. However, am I determined and hungry to do what it takes to achieve that success? Definitely.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I know there are others out there, or have been here before, I beg for some support and help. I am a big believer in giving back, and it's something I plan to do for someone who is in a similar spot to me someday. Why? Because I know how terrible it can be to be stuck in a job that you need to survive, are fortunate to have, but hate every minute of it.

I will be back sometime soon to follow up, but for now need to catch the zzz's necessary to get through another week which will bring a Friday I can only dream about coming tomorrow.